Thursday, April 27, 2006

Almost Done....sorta

I have one more day left of my "Major Exam and Assignment Hell Week". Last night I finished a huge section of a ridiculously huge assignment, which means that my group is almost done. Thank God!! It's due tomorrow, which is the same day that I have a final. Did I also mention that I have a final tonight as well. It's worth 40% of my mark. Anyone wanna write a test on gender, HIV/AIDS and good governance? Come on, you know wanna...

Anywho, I can't wait until the weekend. I have a wedding to go to on Saturday (yay Meredith and Jarod) and then on Sunday I have planned a whole day of total relaxation. Next week looks pretty busy though. I have applications to do for internships, I have to phone the Dominican Republic, I have to call some law firms and International Law NGOs and sign up to do the LSAT. That's right, I have finally decided that I have enough guts to write the LSAT. It's just five weeks away on June 12. I have about a month to study. I think I can manage it. I hope so anyway, some people have studied for this test for three months!! Uh oh...I best get going, I have lots of work to do.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Take that Mr. TTC, you said I couldn't do it but I did.

I'm exhausted. Today I woke up at 7:30am to get to school early to review for a test at 10am. I had class for three hours, including my ridiculous test on procurement, spent four hours doing a proposal for CIDA, went to class for another three hours, spent another four hours working on CIDA proposal and finally just got home. My eyes are killing me from having my contacts in all day and looking at various computer screens.

"Why are you blogging?" you ask.

I got a huge assignement back today, worth 40% of my overall mark. I kicked some serious ass and got 100%. HA!

I'm a frickin beast (who can set up an agricultural project in Mozambique)

Saturday, April 08, 2006

A happy state

I haven't posted lately. I think my blogging days are coming to an end. That is unless I decide to catch the travel bug and take off for some foreign, exotic and war-torn location. That would definitely give me something to write about. Hopefully that will happen in the near future, maybe as soon as July or August. But for now, I am quite satisfied with life as it is. I'm content with the idea of school and working on my life and career. I am enjoying this time of self discovery and spiritual revelation. God is good, so wonderfully good. To Him be all the glory.


About Me

I'm a recent university graduate who is attempting to figure out where life will take her. Not sure yet, but hopefully it will be interesting and exciting.