Monday, June 06, 2005

last week

Tonight I had a most hilarious conversation with an old friend. I must say, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I don't think I have had such a good time on the phone. We talked about the last year and what I was doing. We briefly touched on my India trip. It feels weird to talk about India. It's coming up so soon I can hardly believe it. In less then a month I'll be away in Calcutta, experiencing new things and having new adventures.

Since my last post, nothing interesting has occurred. Well... that's not entirely true. I went to see a gastro-interologist (sp?) on Wednesday. I'm going to have a endoscopy and sigmoidoscopy done. I have no idea how to spell those terms correctly or explain what they entail. All I know is I get to see the inside of my digestive tract on camera. I have to say, I'm rather curious to know what that looks like. Who gets to say they've seen the inside of their gut? I do... woo hoo.
I also got my vaccinations for India on Friday. That wasn't really exciting except for the fact that I had some mild side effects from my typhoid vaccine. I was hoping to have more obvious symptoms of typhoid so I could have at least taken a day off work. I would have totally had a valid excuse.

Anyways, tonight I had my second India meeting at church and we had to do all these team building excercises. Now, I know these types of things are important, especially for spiritual reasons, but I find them so lame. Do people really care if I like sweet things over sour things? We had to pray afterwards and I have to admit that I was SO not into it. I really wanted to leave and get out of there. I had this desire to get out and see someone, a certain person, but I can't figure out who this person is. Who am I looking for? And why I am looking for someone when I should be concentrating on God and my trip? Lately I have been so distracted. It's weird. Maybe tomorrow I can sit down and take some time to focus on what's important. Let's hope I can keep my mind on that.

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About Me

I'm a recent university graduate who is attempting to figure out where life will take her. Not sure yet, but hopefully it will be interesting and exciting.