So, life has been ho hum as of late. Nothing in particular to note except for a few random events/conversations/happenings, which made me happy.
1)Rob Jefferson
I talked to him last night at church. It was nice because we actually chatted naturally. If any of you know Rob, one of his most hilarious qualities is to make ridiculous claims/statements and attempt to defend them. For example: I mentioned that I wanted to attend the David Suzuki/Stephen Lewis event and he went on this ridiculous rant about how Stephen Lewis was crazy, irrational and an "unsupportable person". I found this rather shocking considering Lewis' reputation, prominence and extensive advocacy work for those suffering from HIV/AIDS. I attempted to point out that perhaps he was
referring to Chomsky, but I was rebuffed with a
fiery retort of... how should I say this... well, it was basically a
barrage of conservative rantings (which probably came from the National Post) about how Lewis was anti-American and clueless in regards to the complex relationship between government and business. I laughed but didn't retaliate (I've gotten used to it by now). We went on to discuss Bush, the upcoming US election, Mulroney (barf), condos, university
degrees and whose degree was better (I so obviously win, I went to
UofT) and other silly random things. I guess the whole point of this long-drawn out paragraph is to say that I thoroughly enjoy Rob Jefferson. My goodness his weirdness makes me laugh.
I absolutely adore Valerie
Dovell! So much so that if I was a good looking boy, who played in a band, wore skinny jeans and had crazy hair and scruff, I would chose her to be my wife. Seriously, she is so hilarious and cute. I love the way we chat, her sweet laugh and all the
fun and silly things we talk about (mostly work related).
3)Job apps.
I applied to Amnesty International for a post in Eastern Africa. It took me FOREVER! Actually, it took me all night. I pulled an all-
nighter to apply to an
NGO, an
NGO which will probably never respond to my application. I wonder, what's the point of applying for jobs when I know over 80% of my applications will go unnoticed. You're probably wondering how in the world this terrible statistic (one I made up, might I add) would be something to be happy about. It feels good to apply for something. Just the fact that I stuck it out (all
frickin 9 hours of it) and applied makes me feel proud. At least I tried and that's what counts.
4)The gym
I joined a gym today. It's called Fitness One and I got a pretty good deal. They offer a wide range of fitness classes and they even provide you with a personal trainer. I think this is pretty snazzy. What I found most interesting is that the person doing my orientation as well as all the staff were male. This is rather odd considering it's an all women fitness club. After mentioning this general observation, the gentleman assisting me became rather uncomfortable and to compensate, began to crack really weird sexist jokes. Does anyone else find it odd that primarily male staff are running a women's fitness centre?
5)Skinny jeans
Today for the first time ever, I tried on a pair of skinny jeans and I must say, I looked hot. What's even more surprising is that I am considering buying a pair. I never dreamed I would ever do such a thing, but they just looked so good. Heather and Petey will be pleasantly surprised.
6)Saving money and avoiding fashion suicide
After trying on several pairs of skinny jeans with cool new shoes and other flashy accessories, I decided to buy them. I went to use my Visa card but my refund from another purchase had not been put back on my card yet and so it was declined (how embarrassing). I proceeded to use my debit card only to have that declined for some unknown reason. Some would say that God was working to stop me from over-zealously spending my money in the typical
conspicuous fashion of the average North American. I say, God was really preventing me from buying skinny jeans as it is only a short-lived trend which will be over by the end of 2007.
7)New cell phone
My new cell phone is arriving on Thursday. New technology and
thingybobbers make me smile. I will also be pleased to talk on my cell phone for more than an hour without my battery dying.
Nokias suck.
I made a super-duper fantastic lunch for tomorrow. It's gonna be a good one (yum). I also made lunch for Annie. And tomorrow morning I'm making a pancake breakfast. I am SUCH a good
I found out Ade is coming to TO on Sunday. Fun fun fun!
10)My appointment
I've had several people inquire about my previous post. To answer your questions...
No, I am not pregnant;
No, I did not get an operation;
No, I did not elope (ah ha ha, I wish);
No, I didn't irreparably burn and scar my face or have defunct palstic surgery (thanx Meg);
No, unfortunately I am not adopted and didn't find my other family. But wouldn't it be cool if I did and they were gloriously and wonderfully rich? All my dreams could come true (choke);
And no, it wasn't a "big" thing except to me.
Rest assured, nothing super significant occurred. I guess I was just trying to describe (as accurately as possible) my emotional state regarding a particular conversation I was going to have. I will not elaborate on here for the sake of privacy, but I will say this: since last week, I have felt much freedom and peace. It has been absolutely wonderful. If you really really want to know, call me and I'll tell you. That being the case, some of you need to get out more.
11)Decreasing amounts of pimples
My face is finally clearing up. For some odd reason during the month of January I
experienced a zit explosion. I basically looked like shit for four weeks. Thank goodness it's improving and just in time for Valentine's Day too. It's not that it really matters anyway because I'll be spending V-Day at work and then coming home alone (no, I'm not bitter).
AbercrombieI jokingly asked a gay guy out at work and I think he thinks I'm serious. Since then, he frequently attempts to flirt with me. That makes me laugh.
13) And finally...
English muffins with homemade Jam. Mmm... I'm gonna have one right now :)
That is all.
Nighty night.