Sunday, September 04, 2005

busy busy

For someone who had no plans for the long weekend, I certainly have been quite busy. Elaine went to New York and Lastly(but not leastly... compliments of Jonathan Bluks)went away for the weekend to a cottage. They've left me here with no one except the kitty cats. So last night, I decided to have some good friends over for dinner and a movie. Lavle and Jon came over and we watched Troy. I have to say, I am SO not impressed with Brad Pitt anymore. I think it's the whole Angelina thing that's left a bad taste in my mouth. Anywho, during the film Felicity and Lisa came upstairs and ended up watching the rest of the movie with us. Later, the three of us enjoyed some quality girl time.

Today I actually woke up early and had Chai(real Indian chai compliments of me :)and an omelette for breakfast. It was SO yummy. After breakfast I ended up cleaning my whole room and then my highschool friend Doreen came over. We talked about my trip to India and then all about her new guy that she's seeing. After that I went to the CNE with Mena. I love Mena. We always have fun together. We went to all these silly show rooms that were so boring. I made her go into the vegetable and flower section which displayed all the various types of vegetables arranged on plates according to their rank. I think I am in love with the prize winning rhubarb. It was breath taking!! Mena was just about to exclaim her distaste in regards to the lack of creativity of the displays until she came upon the Lavender booth. Recently she seems to be coo coo for Lavender. We spent some time sniffing bags of leaves and various oils.

Later on that night we went to see the Toronto Urban Music Festival, which I have to say was awesome. I wish we had dropped in on it earlier because we caught the last part of Divine Brown. She was so good!! As she finished her last song the fireworks show started and it turned out that we had perfect seats. We chatted and laughed while watching the fireworks and then headed home early in the hopes of avoiding the large crowds. I had such a good time tonight. Tomorrow I am having breakfast with Nick Debrey and then am off to church for set up. After church I get to hang out with Jon and chat about what's been happening with my life. I really am blessed to have the friends that I have. God has been so faithful in providing me with good people to encourage and uplift me. Thanks Jesus, I love you.

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About Me

I'm a recent university graduate who is attempting to figure out where life will take her. Not sure yet, but hopefully it will be interesting and exciting.